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Trustee minutes

Trustee minutes for: 23-5-2013

Minutes from Annual General Meeting 23rd May 2013 7:00pm held in the Chapel

Present: Derris Watson (DW) Chair / Treasurer, Sean Kelly (SRK) Secretary, Paul Stacey (PS) Trustee, Iain Rowe (IR) Proposed new trustee and Mike Chorlton (MC) Proposed new trustee
Apologies: Henry Stacey - Trustee
The meeting commenced at 7:20pm and the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th Sept 2012 were read by DW and agreed as correct by PW/SRK. Two new proposed trustees were introduced to the meeting, Iain Rowe & Mike Chorlton.
DW produced a spread sheet of accounts for 2012 – 2013 showing a healthy balance of £4279.71 in the bank, with a starting balance of £1889.32, received £3646.65, payables £1256.26. We received a large donation of £1359.44 from St Cleer Parish Projects group who were disbanding and they voted to donate their remaining funds to the Chapel as a contingency fund for future repairs or unforeseen costs. We also received our annual payment from St Cleer Parish Council of £250 as well as other donations via the website for research work carried out by DW.
Public Liability Insurance had increased by £72.21 to £528.47 and this was to be paid.
Grass cutting which is urgent was discussed DW was asked to contact Udy’s to obtain prices for this year and to obtain a competitive quote from Lee Martin in order to be sure that we are receiving best value for this work.

The current burial charges were discussed and PS advised that other cemeteries and councils had increased their charges by a high percentage. PS proposed to increase ours by approx. 5%, it was also discussed and agreed to round the charges to the nearest £5. The new charges are:
Burial £235
Internment of ashes £70
Reservation of plot £75
Memorial Erection £80
Additional Inscription £25
Use of the Chapel £25 (as previous)
SRK to amend the artwork on the brochure and DW to print and distribute to all local undertakers.
Due to the late start of the meeting PW had to make his apologies due to family commitments.
Reservation of plots in section A, slip 43 were discussed as there was some confusion concerning plots 2/3&4.It seems that there are three plots reserved and only enough room between plots 1a and 5 for only two burials. Plots 3&4 were reserved in 1999 as a double whilst plot 2 was reserved in 2001 as a single. It was agreed that DW/SRK would jointly draft a letter and write to both parties to discuss the matter further.
The continued problem of litter in the hedgerows was discussed and SRK pointed out that he had placed signage in the far corners of the cemetery as well as on the gate. MC volunteered to keep an eye on the hedgerows and regularly litter pick. IR further suggested that a notice be displayed concerning the grass cutting and up keep of the cemetery and as we are only volunteers any donations towards the up keep would be gratefully received, SRK to print and display a suitable sign. DW suggested that in order to avoid too many signs just one board at the entrance should give contact details for trustees, reminder about litter, the information about being voluntary and appeal for donations
Access via the garage block became an issue when the current owner padlocked the gate and Pascoe’s the grave diggers couldn’t access the cemetery via the side gate. SRK has been in contact with Mr Shepard and has been given the combination code to open the gate as and when required.
Funding has been sourced via CHAP to start digitally photographing and recording head stones in local cemeteries with St Cleer General cemetery being one of three pilot cemeteries along with Upton Cross and St Martins. Work will start w/c 24th June with both DW & IR heavily involved.
DW requested a PayPal account to be set up and linked to our website so we can receive donations. This was agreed but IR advised to use a secondary bank account to avoid any fraudulent access to our main account, this was also agreed.
At this point on any other business both IR & MC agreed to become Trustees and this was agreed and welcomed by DW & SRK.
An autumn project of clearing vegetation was discussed to keep the cemetery presentable and not to allow it to become so overgrown that it was unmanageable. The use of Scouts or Police cadets was suggested by IR as well SRK suggesting the use of the probation service for community service personnel. MC knows a contact for this use and will pass details onto SRK to make contact.
The meeting closed at 8:30pm


Trustee Minute

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